سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی دانشگاه صنعتی شاهرود

Srikant, Satya, Rao, Raghupatruni. (1402). Preparation of High Purity Graphite using Comminution, Pressure Leaching and Flotation. , 14(4), 1205-1218. doi: 10.22044/jme.2023.13371.2461
Satya Sai Srikant; Raghupatruni Bhima Rao. "Preparation of High Purity Graphite using Comminution, Pressure Leaching and Flotation". , 14, 4, 1402, 1205-1218. doi: 10.22044/jme.2023.13371.2461
Srikant, Satya, Rao, Raghupatruni. (1402). 'Preparation of High Purity Graphite using Comminution, Pressure Leaching and Flotation', , 14(4), pp. 1205-1218. doi: 10.22044/jme.2023.13371.2461
Srikant, Satya, Rao, Raghupatruni. Preparation of High Purity Graphite using Comminution, Pressure Leaching and Flotation. , 1402; 14(4): 1205-1218. doi: 10.22044/jme.2023.13371.2461